With the Tacoma Home & Garden show coming up January 27-30, 2022, it seems like a good time to talk about home upgrades.
If you’re preparing your house to sell, the answer is often simple. Kitchens and bathroom upgrades are usually a good place to spend your money, so is a deck or patio. Upgrading these areas typically will help your house sell faster and for more money.
Last Summer, I personally did one of the dumbest home upgrades that you can do to help sell a house. I replaced the perfectly good double-pane window in my home office with a triple-pane window. Financially, this was a stupid investment. Not that triple-pane windows aren’t better… On the contrary, triple-pane windows are way more efficient at not letting the heat or cold through than double-pane windows are. The problem is that I only replaced the one window. If I had done all the windows in my home, it would have cost vastly more money. However, if I were to sell my house, I would then be able to advertise that it has triple-pane windows throughout. As it stands, having replaced only one window, I wouldn’t be able to get an extra dollar for my house as a result of an upgrade that cost me a lot of money.
My South facing home office is a lot more comfortable now. In the Summer months, my office used to get way too hot. In the Winter, it got way too cold. Now, it is much better throughout the year. I plan to live here for a long time, so I am happy with my investment because I will personally enjoy being in my home office a lot more for years to come.
When you are considering upgrading your house one of the first things to consider is who will benefit from the upgrade, you or the future owner of your house. The next thing to consider would be: “Is it worth it?”